An EEG study of turning freeze in Parkinson’s disease patients: The alteration of brain dynamic on the motor and visual cortex.
Freezing of gait is a very debilitating symptom affecting many patients with Parkinson’s disease, leading

Interpenetrated Si-HPMC/alginate hydrogels as a potential scaffold for human tissue regeneration
Interpenetrated gels of biocompatible polysaccharides alginate and silanized hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (Si-HPMC) have been studied

AAV-mediated Gene Therapy Halts Retinal Degeneration in PDE6β-deficient Dogs
We previously reported that subretinal injection of AAV2/5 RK.cpde6β allowed long-term preservation of photoreceptor function

Autologous fat grafting: A comparative study of four current commercial protocols.
Background Autologous fat grafting is a widely used technique that gives natural results when treating

Assessment and Quantification of Noncollagenic Matrix Proteins Released from Human Dentin Powder Incorporated into a Silated Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Biomedical Hydrogel
Introduction The dentin extracellular matrix is a reservoir of bioactive molecules sequestered into dentin during

Adhesion, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs cultured under perfusion with a marine oxygen carrier on an allogenic bone substitute.
Tissue engineering strategies have been developed to optimize osseointegration in dental implant surgery. One of