Mechanically induced development and maturation of human intestinal organoids in vivo
ABSTRACT The natural ability of stem cells to self-organize into functional tissue has been

Generation of immunodeficient rats with Rag1 and Il2rg gene deletions and human tissue grafting models
Background: Immunodeficient mice are invaluable tools to analyze the long-term effects of potentially immunogenic molecules

A biomaterial-assisted mesenchymal stromal cell therapy alleviates colonic radiation-induced damage
Healthy tissues surrounding abdomino-pelvic tumours can be impaired by radiotherapy, leading to chronic gastrointestinal complications

Antigen-specific single B cell sorting and expression-cloning from immunoglobulin humanized rats: a rapid and versatile method for the generation of high affinity and discriminative human monoclonal antibodies
BACKGROUND There is an ever-increasing need of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for biomedical applications and

Cell-surface C-type lectin-like receptor CLEC-1 dampens dendritic cell activation and downstream Th17 responses
Dendritic cells (DCs) represent essential antigen-presenting cells that are critical for linking innate and adaptive

Differentiation of human dendritic cell subsets for immune tolerance induction
OBJECTIVES Since no further progress was achieved, in order to improve the long-term organ