Medico-economic Evaluation of a Non-chirurgical Pulmonary Valve Replacement (REVALV)Official Title Medico-economic Evaluation of a Non-chirurgical Pulmonary Valve Replacement for the Treatment of Lesions
Axonics SacRal NeuromodulaTIon System for Urinary Urgency Incontinence TreatmeNtOfficial Title Axonics SacRal NeuromodulaTIon System for Urinary Urgency Incontinence TreatmeNt (ARTISAN-SNM) Objective(s) of the
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European Clinical Evaluation of the Carmat Total Artificial HeartOfficial Title Clinical Evaluation of the Carmat Total Artificial Heart for Patients With Advanced Heart
Biological Collection of Kidney CellsOfficial Title Biological Collection of Renal Cells for the Functional Study of the ABCC6 Transporter