Cell & Gene Therapy Unit of Nantes University HospitalResearch collaborations and service provision to public and private players.

Nantes iPSC core facilityResearch collaborations and service provision to public and private players. The facility objective is to bring scientific and technical support to any team which could lead a project integrating pluripotent stem cells. Each request is studied on a case-by-case basis.

Vectors production centerSkills/Expertise The CPV offers a translational viral vector development service from the proof of concept

Synthesis of organic moleculesSkills/Expertise CHEM-Symbiose is a platform dedicated either for collaboration or for service aiming at the

Clinical Development and TransferSkills/Expertise Cellular Therapy protocols have to guarantee rigorous criteria concerning the cellular product definition and

Rapid Manufacturing Platform
Facility activities The platform brings together several manufacturing processes: additive manufacturing, machining, forming, welding, bioprinting.