Lab of Interdisciplinary chemistery: Synthesis, Analysis, Modelling UMR-CNRS 6230The main idea of all our researches is Molecular Chemistry. The interdisciplinary character of the projects carried out within the laboratory, through its networks of regional partnerships, makes CEISAM a support for 3 poles of activity "Health”, “Agri-food” and "Energy" in Pays de la Loire Region.

Biotechnology and Marine Resources research unitThe Biotechnology and Marine Resources (Biotechnologies et Ressources Marines - BRM) aims at developing knowledge and utilization of marine biological resources through biotechnology and bioprospection and to contribute to the optimized use of products provided through sustainable fishing and aquaculture.

Biopolymers Interactions Assembly Unithe BIA Unit is composed of 8 thematic research teams, a logistics group, and an IBISA-certified platform. Analytical devices dedicated to protein purification and antibody production and an experimental bakery completes the Unit's facilities.