Bone remodeling and biomaterials research groupResearch themes of the GEROM unit 1) Bone fragility in secondary osteoporosis (immobilization, hypokinesia, diabetes)

Nantes-Angers Research Centre for cancerology and immunologyThe objective of Center for Research in Cancerology and Immunology Nantes-Angers (CRCINA), in partnership with the clinical teams of the University Hospitals (CHUs) of Nantes and Angers and the Institut du Cancer Ouest (ICO) of St Herblain (Cancer Center René Gauducheau) and Angers (Cancer Center Paul Papin), is to create a center of excellence that connects basic research, translational research and clinical practice in oncology, so as to ensure a continuum between the laboratory and the patient’s bed.

Bone sarcoma and remodeling of calcified tissues labOur research topics focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the development of bone pathologies of tumoral origin (primary bone tumors) or not (vascular calcifications, arthritis, unconsolidated fractures ...).

Oxidative stress and metabolic diseases labThe scientific project focuses on translational sets of themes which deal with oxidative stress in metabolic pathologies with a particular interest in extracellular vesicles.

Protein Engineering and Functionality UnitOrganization activities The research laboratory “Protein Engineering and Functionality Unit” (UFIP) is a mixed

Jean Rouxel Institute of MaterialsThe Institute of Materials was created in 1988 by the renowned French chemist Jean Rouxel. Drawing together chemists, physicists and materials engineers from the CNRS and the University of Nantes, with over 150 researchers and support staff it now represents one of the largest materials research centres in France. Research projects are diverse, including collaborations with industry, and other national and international research organisations.