Master 2 in Nanosciences, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies (C’Nano)
The course "Nanosciences, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies" is a multidisciplinary scientific training course at the Bac +5 level, focusing on innovative materials and technologies, particularly at the nanoscale level, at the heart of innovation in many sectors of activity .
2nd year of Health/Biology Master degree specilaized in “Biology, Biotechnology and Therapeutic Research”
This M2 is mainly devoted to training in research, with an opening to the industrial world, in particular with biotechnology companies. It is based on common EU and a thematic itinerary of your choice.
Master 1 Biology-Health
This course represents an initial approach to the world of biomedical research with an introduction to the experimental approach and training in information and communication tools.
Bio-Industries and Biotechnology professional degree
The objective of the training is to give you scientific, technical and operational skills that will enable you to work in a laboratory, in regulatory and normed contexts, for the implementation of techniques applicable mainly in the sectors of health and control quality in food.
Process and Bioprocess Engineer
The general engineer in Process and Bioprocess Engineering has technical and scientific, human and economic skills covering all the fields related to the transformation of matter (chemical or biological) into finished products with function of use while controlling the energy expenditure and respecting environmental constraints. It operates in both industrial and commercial sectors.
Master of Engineering in Biology and Health Systems
The ISTIA engineers specializing in biological engineering and health (carried out by the ISSBA department) are multidisciplinary.