Atlantic Bone Screen
General activities Atlantic Bone Screen is a preclinical CRO expert in evaluating drug candidates, biomaterials
CARLINA Technologies
CARLINA Technologies is a biopharmaceutical company specialized in the development of nanomedicines utilizing innovative non-denaturing drug delivery technologies for therapeutic proteins, peptides and other types of drugs.
Master 2 in pharmaceutical sciences, “Nanomedicines and pharmaceutical R & D” course
Pharmacy of UFR Santé is backed by the research team INSERM 1066 / CNRS 6021. This Master 2 level course provides a scientific and methodological approach to pharmaceutical development and innovation to contribute to the emergence of tomorrow's medicines...
Master 2 in Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Polymers and Active Principles of Natural Origin” (“P2AON”) course
The objective of the Master 2 Polymers and Active Principles of Natural Origin (P2AON) is to train at the chemistry / biochemistry / biology-health interface, executives and researchers capable of designing strategies for exploiting and exploiting natural resources...
Master 2 in “Pharmaceutical Sciences”, BDM (Biomaterials and medical devices: from conception to placing on the market) course
The objectives of this course are to acquire knowledge on the scientific, clinical, regulatory and industrial aspects that cover the fields of medical devices and biomaterials.
Master 2 in pharmaceutical sciences, Biotherapies and medicines for innovative therapies (BMTI) course
The objectives of this course are to acquire the competencies applicable in the field of biotherapies and medicines as well as innovative therapies.