7 March 2018
23rd NAT congress“Genomics and Immunogenetics of Kidney and Inflammatory Diseases – Lessons for Transplantation”, extension of early bird rate and abstracts submission deadlines
The 23dr NAT congress organizing committee has decided to extend the deadlines for early bird

1 March 2018
2018 Bioregate Forum: Registration, Calls for sponsors and abstracts NOW OPEN
The Organizing committee of the 2nd edition of the Bioregate European Regenerative Medicine Forum that
22 February 2018
Nantes researchers leading a European study dedicated to bone substitutes
The Phy-Os lab in Nantes with Pierre Layrolle is leading a European research on bone
24 January 2018
23rd NAT Congress: “Genomics and Immunogenetics of Kidney and Inflammatory diseases – Lessons for Transplantation”
The 23rd Congress of the Nantes Actualités Transplantation (NAT) will be held on May 31st
15 November 2017
Atlantic Ket Med, a new European project involving Bioregate
Altantic Ket Med – AKM – is a European project aiming at enhancing innovation capacity

9 November 2017
2018 Bioregate Forum, December 12-14, Nantes, France
2018 Bioregate Forum, 12-14 December, Nantes, France